Lime Marmalade
2 lbs of fresh limes
7 cups of water
3 lbs of sugar
1/2 teasp of ground cloves
Clean and cut limes removing as much pith as you can. Put sliced limes into a processor and mix until chunky. Place mixture in to the pot; add water and bring to boil; simmer on the medium heat for about 30 to 45 minutes or until rind is tender. It is important to cook fruit gently at this stage. Reduce heat to low and add sugar and ground cloves to the mix; stir until sugar is dissolved completely. Bring marmalade to the boil, boil rapidly uncovered. After marmalade has been boiling for about 15 minutes, remove from the heat; allow bubbles to subside; then drop a teaspoon on to a cold saucer and put in to the freezer for a few minutes to cool. If marmalade is not jelled enough, return to the heat and cook further for about 5 minutes, then test again. Marmalade should be jelled within 20 minutes. Let marmalade stand for about 5 minutes to allow fruit to settle. Pour into hot sterilized jars. Store in cool dark place.
Holiday Nippers
1 tblsp of cream cheese
1 teasp of blue cheese
1 1/2 teasp of orange marmalade
1/2 teasp of pistachios
1 minced chive
Mix cream cheese and blue cheese together well. Add 1 teasp of orange marmalade and pistachios to the mix and 1/2 of minced chive; blend well. Spread on to 4 crackers and garnish with the rest of marmalade and chives. Enjoy!